New Copy
Special thanks to: Lobsterfight, Your arms are my coccoon, Tooth Cemetary, Plague Skater, GammaGril, Hibernator, The Budgets, Me Too, Thanks, Glass Beach, Cliffdiver, Oolong, Treasure State, James Ceaser, (Leave) Nelson B, Exciting!!Excellent!!, New You, Merrier, Why Sloth, Why?, bedbugs, Thank You, I'm Sorry, Deathwish 406, GoodLuckRy, Superdestroyer, John & Shane, Scarlet, Ty Sutton + Ty Herman, Gunnar, Tanner, Ian, Quinn, Porter, Shane, Mike, Liam, Bella, Ariana, Sunnie, Leo <3, Our rad parents
& To anyone who has ever believed in us, we love you all so much!
- Hey, ily!
& To anyone who has ever believed in us, we love you all so much!
- Hey, ily!
released April 29, 2022
Artwork by Ota Jaider (@ota_pixelart on twitter and @octaviosidoni on fiverr)
Drums recorded + Album mixed by our good friend Phillip Yanzick @ Voodoo Studios MT (@dingus666 on instagram)
Album mastered by Adam Cichoki (@adam_cichoki on instagram)
Released via Lonely Ghost Records
Trevin Baker - Lead guitar/Quick wit/Average Smash Bros player
Conner Haman - Drums/Dad jokes/Van Halen love
Caleb Haynes - Rhythm guitar/Vox/Above average Smash Bros player
Skyy Haman - Keyboards/Phish enthusiast/Sweater champion
Stephen Redmond - Bass/Thrill seeking/Cool sunglasses
Tobokegao - Vocals on track 1 (@to6okegao on twitter)
Jack Staton - Trombone on tracks 2 & 4 (Skyy's little brother!)
Skyview Highschool Chorale - Chorale part on track 9
Artwork by Ota Jaider (@ota_pixelart on twitter and @octaviosidoni on fiverr)
Drums recorded + Album mixed by our good friend Phillip Yanzick @ Voodoo Studios MT (@dingus666 on instagram)
Album mastered by Adam Cichoki (@adam_cichoki on instagram)
Released via Lonely Ghost Records
Trevin Baker - Lead guitar/Quick wit/Average Smash Bros player
Conner Haman - Drums/Dad jokes/Van Halen love
Caleb Haynes - Rhythm guitar/Vox/Above average Smash Bros player
Skyy Haman - Keyboards/Phish enthusiast/Sweater champion
Stephen Redmond - Bass/Thrill seeking/Cool sunglasses
Tobokegao - Vocals on track 1 (@to6okegao on twitter)
Jack Staton - Trombone on tracks 2 & 4 (Skyy's little brother!)
Skyview Highschool Chorale - Chorale part on track 9